CODE24 Blog

Meet: Consultant Jeroen

Written by Jenny Luco | Jan 25, 2024 12:35:00 PM

Who are the people behind our healthcare IT solutions? We are happy to tell you a bit more about them! This time it's consultant Jeroen Blonk's turn.


Hi Jeroen! Tell us, what do you do at CODE24?

"I'm actually primarily a technical consultant - I don't really do implementations, for example, but I do deal with how things work technically 'underwater.' A lot of that has to do with data processing - troubleshooting, coming up with and validating datasets and controls... That's what makes me really happy. It kind of grew that way - when I started at CODE24 7.5 years ago, I was quickly given the role of "Junior IT specialist," which was described as "everything Jeroen does," haha!

In the meantime, some things have become a bit more fixed, but I like that, within our organisation, there is room to discover what work suits you best."

What does an average workday look like for you?

"My days are often a mix of different projects and tasks. For example, I look for bugs in our software, optimise the configuration of our modules for our customers and do a bit of Research & Development for a new module, DataWarehouse24. There are also tickets to handle and I do a bit of system administration for our own team - especially the setup of VPNs.

This might also be nice to know: a while ago, I worked from Cape Town for 6 weeks. That's pretty much the capital of the kite world - I would work for CODE24 in the morning and kite in the afternoon! Perhaps I'll do that again in the future."


What skills are most important for your role?

"A measure of technical aptitude is important, of course. For example, I benefit a lot from my programming background, so I can collaborate with our programmers with ease. I think logical thinking is important as well. Ultimately, in technology, everything can be explained - if something is broken, it has a reason. You have to be creative and be able to think logically to figure out what that reason is."

What do you like most about your work?

"I love working with data the most! So much can be seen and figured out in data, so many connections can be made. That is where my interest lies - and I love the fact that I can use my knowledge in this area for useful applications in healthcare. Think of devising queries to do logical checks on data sets or finding bugs in the software.

Also, strangely enough, I really enjoy working under pressure - if there's a high-priority ticket, I'm totally in my element. It's often challenging and involves a lot of responsibility - you have to help people as quickly and well as possible. I can then work with full focus until it's fixed."

What would you like to achieve?

"I want to become smarter. Or no, actually I want to become more useful. You can be smart, but if what you do is of no use, there is no point. Being useful makes you feel good.

I'm actually quite happy with the work I'm doing here now - I just want to get better and more efficient at it."

What do you think people should know about CODE24?

"I think how committed we are. The goal of improving healthcare is really in the heart of our organisation and our people. We really want to be proud of what we create and the contribution we make."


Check out Jeroen 'in action' in Andijk in the video below! You can follow his kitesurfing adventures on Instagram at @jeroenblonk01.