16 Aug.

Meet: Senior Developer Gertjan

Who are the people behind our healthcare IT solutions? We would love to introduce our team to you! We kick off with our Senior Developer Gertjan Bult.

Senior developer Gertjan Bult van CODE24

Name: Gertjan Bult
Role: Senior Developer and Project Leader Open Platform
Time at CODE24: 5.5 years
Hobbies : working out (basketball and fitness) and playing (board) games

"Working out allows me to release my energy. I'm also quite fanatical - I do want to win!"


Hi Gertjan! What do you do at CODE24?

"As a Senior Developer, I have a diverse set of duties. Of course I spend a large part of my day programming (I am a full-stack programmer, though with a preference for backend). I also keep an overview of the big picture, help and guide colleagues where necessary, and check with another senior to see what can go to production.

In addition to helping build our EHR and modules, I am also the Open Platform Project Leader. That project will take up an increasing part of my time. I'm very excited about that - it's really innovative and we're working with the latest technologies."

What does an average workday look like for you?

"I usually start my day with the code reviews from the day before. Then at 9:00 we have a short stand-up together (we work according to scrum). I spend most of the rest of the day actually programming, and where necessary I just check in with a colleague. During the break, I like to go outside with a group and take a walk.

I like the variety in my work. I join various meetings and help colleagues and in addition, I can enjoy programming myself."

What skills are most important for your role?

"Of course you have to be able to write code! I work with PHP most. As a programmer, it is good if you can also think more abstractly. In addition, especially for a senior it is important that you can keep track of everything and that you can and want to help colleagues.

By the way, we're still looking for a backend PHP developer to join the Open Platform project I'm leading. That project is very backend-oriented (we are literally building the database foundation for patient data, to which other software with its own UIs can connect), so if you like that you're definitely in the right place here."

What do you like most about your work?

"It gives great satisfaction when you can finally find the solution to a complex problem. Actually, you are constantly solving puzzles!

I also really like the social aspect. If you can help people get back on their feet when they get stuck, that's really cool."

What would you like to achieve?

"Professionally, my ambition is really focused on the Open Platform. That we can get it working quickly and well, that it runs well and contributes to standardisation and healthcare data exchange."

What do you think people should know about CODE24?

"You're not a number at CODE24. Everyone knows each other and everyone is available to help each other - including the director.

Also, quality really does come first here - what we make just has to be good. That conviction prevails here at all levels of organisation."

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