How Arkin is optimising their Admissions process

Some 5,000 clients are admitted to Arkin each year and around 3,250 transfers are processed. These are different types of admissions: ranging from emergency admissions to long-term admissions. To manage all of this, Arkin uses the CODE24 module Admission24. How was its implementation and how does Arkin experience its use? In this post, we share that with you.


A goal in mind

Arkin had several goals in mind for the use of Admission24. On the one hand, they needed up-to-date visibility of available beds so that clients could quickly be planned on the right bed. On the other hand, Arkin needed insight into the client flows and any bottlenecks so that the admission process runs quickly and smoothly.

This would then lead to:

  • Reduced waiting time.

  • Improved throughput and outflow so that clients can recover in their own familiar environment as much as possible.

  • Clearer communication toward the client.

The implementation process

In 2020, after a selection process, Admission24 was chosen. In 2021, the first department started using it. Gradually, more departments joined. It turned out to be quite a change process - employees had to get used to the new software. To work with it properly, working methods also had to be adjusted. In addition to new software, a new central placement office with substantive expertise was also needed. This in order to properly support the intake process.

By the end of 2023, all of Arkin was using Admission24.


"Through the implementation process, Arkin provided a lot of input for the software that was developed. Together with CODE24 we looked at what was needed to properly support the clinics and the central placement office through software."

Michelle de Groot, Advisor Healthcare IT at Arkin

Joint development

Since the partnership began, Arkin and CODE24 have worked hard to further develop Admission24. The biggest adjustment was the expansion of the intake planning module. This functionality was needed because of the high volume of admissions and the sometimes complex planning for multiple consecutive admissions.

This plan module also included a capacity counter, allowing the planner to see at a glance how many beds are still available at a specific time. Another useful functionality that has been added is coloured labels that can be linked to individual admissions so that important information is immediately visible in the planning overview. This saves a lot of extra clicking!

With input from clients such as Arkin, the modules are getting a little better all the time.

How is it going?

Now, all of Arkin has a good overview of the beds. Everyone knows exactly which client is on which bed and when beds become available again. There is a clear flow for the planners and this is bearing fruit. Possible bottlenecks in the inflow, throughput and outflow are quickly visible and can therefore be solved faster.

Michelle: "Right now the software supports the practice, but we are working with CODE24 to see how we can further optimise the process."

For the future, Arkin wants to use data to predict crowding and make the best use of capacity. Here Arkin sees an opportunity to improve capacity management further.

Curious about what Admission24 has to offer for your organisation? We would love to talk to you.



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