26 Oct.

An eye for quality: CODE24 achieves ISO 9001 certification

In addition to ISO 27001 and NEN7510 for information security (in healthcare), CODE24 is now also certified for the ISO 9001 standard for quality. After setting up a management system for quality and an audit by certifying body BSI we have received our certificate. But what does this mean concretely?

Why the ISO 9001 is important

The ISO 9001 is relevant to virtually every industry - it is the globally recognised standard for quality management. The ISO 9001 is used to assess an organisation's quality management system. This management system charts quality in a broad sense: to what extent do our products and services meet the expectations, wishes and requirements of the customer and other stakeholders? Are processes in place to identify, measure and control quality so that continuous improvements can be made?

Of course, the ultimate goal of a quality management system is not a nice ISO 9001 label: a good system contributes to continuously increasing customer satisfactionimproving products and streamlining processes to reduce errors. And that, of course, is what we at CODE24 are going for!

With and for the customer

At CODE24, we believe it is important to work closely with our customers so that we can take their input and feedback into the further development of the product and our organisation as a whole. For example, several modules of our mConsole EHR have been created and optimised because customers shared their requirements with us and thought along with us - a beautiful and important synergy.

Security Officer Stefan van Bremen has been leading the charge on the implementation of the ISO 9001 standard:


"A standard like this fits CODE24 very well as organisation. Since we already work so intensively with our customers, it's a logical step to map and optimise linked work processes so that we can get even more out of these collaborations. And everyone benefits from that!"

Stefan van Bremen, Security Officer CODE24


‘It’s a wrap’: The CODE24 Customer Day

What do our customers think?