23 May.

Meet: Developer Merel

Who are the people behind our healthcare IT solutions? We'd love to introduce them to you! This time it's developer Merel's turn.

Merel van Empel - CODE24

Name: Merel van Empel
Role: medior developer
Time at CODE24: 3 jaar
Hobbies: playing boardgames (her favourite game is Wingspan), painting miniatures, reading fantasy books and historical novels.

“When I write code, I am building a castle. I start with the foundation - everything rests on this. When that is done, the rest follows.”


Hi Merel! What is your job at CODE24 like?

“As a developer I work on the development of mConsole. I am mainly working on the Admissions24 module. We are developing various new functionalities for this and I act as project leader for this project. This means that I keep an overview of what is going on within the project and ensure that everything goes smoothly. It is the first time for me to have this role within a project and I am really enjoying it! I seem to have a knack for it.”

How do you experience working in a field with relatively few women?

“Well, the funny thing is that I have never personally experienced the challenges that I have heard a lot about from other female developers. Maybe I'm lucky. I have to say that I am very confident about my technical skills. I can be just as technically skilled as men, that's something I learned from home. Both my father and mother were good role models in that regard - they ran a digital research and consulting company together. So if someone suggests that I cannot do something, I very easily ignore it.

I must also say that my male colleagues here are particularly respectful. I never feel disadvantaged or underestimated at all. We are a good team.

What does an average work day look like for you?

“I think I spend around 70% of my time programming and around 30% on project management. This varies a little from week to week.

In addition to programming, I also work on technical designs based on the functional designs that I receive. In short: the functional design states what the product must do and the technical design determines what is technically required to achieve that.

Of course, I also have various meetings, but I try to consult with colleagues asynchronously as much as possible. You need a lot of focus for programming and I know that it can be bothersome if you are constantly taken away from your work, so I take that into account.

Developer Merel van Empel van CODE24.

What skills are most important for your role?

“I think you have to be able to think abstractly. You have to build something in your mind that you cannot physically touch. I am quite a visual thinker myself, which helps me enormously, for example in translating technical matter into simple language.

I also think that an eye for detail is very important, but that you should not lose yourself in perfectionism. Ultimately you also have to deliver something! Oh, and looking out for each other - both personally and professionally. This is also important from a project management perspective; in order to plan well, you must keep an eye on what the next person 'in the chain' needs.

What do you like best about your work?

“I like that in code you can sometimes make a huge difference with just one character. This is also the case in DNA! I studied biology, so I think that is a funny parallel. If you get a beautifully functioning whole through a small adjustment, it just makes you feel good - instant gratification!

I also really enjoy making complicated things - that is very satisfying. When I am working on complicated matters that I have a lot of knowledge about, I am completely in my element.

What would you like to achieve?

“I think personal development is very important. Ultimately, your personal life and your work life are always intertwined - working on your mental well-being will have a huge impact on your work as well. That is why I think it is great that we are developing so many solutions for mental health care!

So my ambition is mainly to be strong and happy. I like to understand myself well and work on myself. I want to be mentally strong and really feel my emotions - that makes me happy.

What do you think people should know about CODE24?

“That we are sincere. When people say that to me I generally think 'Yeah sure!', haha. But it really is true. It comes down to our intention - we really want to make healthcare better. Plus the company really wants to be good to the people who work here, I notice that too. All in all, CODE24 is a very people-oriented company and I really like that.”

Meet: Office manager Dorine

Meet: CISO Stefan