07 Dec.

Meet: developer Pinie

Who are the people behind our healthcare IT solutions? We would like to introduce our team to you! This time: our developer Pinie.


Name: Pinie Marinus
Role: Developer
Time at CODE24: a whopping 10 years - an anniversary!
Hobbies: making music and listening to music - his favorite band is The Beatles.

"In some ways, making music is a lot like programming. You make something that wasn't there before, you have to be creative, think out-of-the-box. And sometimes it's just perseverance - pure persistence!"


Hey Pinie, congratulations on your tenth anniversary! A lot must have changed in all these years?

"You can say that yes! When I started, there were six of us and now look at us. We have grown a lot, especially in the past year. We are also becoming more and more professional - for example, we didn't have dedicated testers when I started, which gives a whole new dynamic that is very valuable. The way our first tester Anja set it all up back then - great work, truly! And the longer you exist, the more issues you have to deal with. Think about legacy code, how do you deal with that? Yes, a lot has changed. Once we were able to move the office in a single passenger car, haha!"

What are you working on at CODE24?

"Programming! A mix of frontend and backend. Almost our entire development team is pretty much all-round, so you you can contribute to multiple projects. I have actually been involved in almost all parts of our EHR . In practice, of course, there are parts certain people know more about than others - for example, I often get projects related to the treatment plans and the agenda."

What does an average workday look like for you?

"The day practically always starts with the joint stand-up. Then we review the code and get to work. Of course we'll have meetings here and there, or you take some time to help someone out. But I am very happy when I get to spend a whole day full focus, creating code, with some nice music on."

What skills are most important for your role?

"Besides the creative aspect, you have to be able to think analytically and be precise. And you have to be able to focus, of course. It also depends a bit on who you are as a person - within our team alone there are so many different styles of programming! I also think a little empathy is important. Having a kind of social feeler. You work together as a team after all, and you get the best results if you look out for each other."

What do you like most about your work?

"I am an all-rounder but I prefer to work on the front end. Figuring out the logic of something, the usability... I find UX super interesting too, I want to delve into that some more as well.

Additionally, it is important to me to work for a company that contributes to society. When I came to work here, it was the vision on the standardisation of data storage that immediately appealed to me. There is a clear mission that we work on together, with the goal of preventing things like vendor lock-in."

What would you like to achieve?

"I'm curious by nature - I want to keep learning, keep developing myself. And, of course, I want to contribute to the goal we have in mind with this company: the standardisation of healthcare data storage."

What do you think people should know about CODE24?

"The goal goes beyond the product. We have a vision and a mission - everyone needs to know about that, right down to our politicians! There is still too little awareness about topics like openEHR and data availability, that needs to grow and that is where we can play a part."

Meet: Account manager Gos

Meet: Consultant Jeroen