27 Nov.

The potential of openEHR: a report from the conference

Friday, November 17 was finally the day: from all corners of the Netherlands as well as the world, techies, policy makers and healthcare professionals gathered in Arnhem for the openEHR conference. In the Safari Meeting Center of Burgers' Zoo, participants were welcomed by volunteers in orange hoodies and soon the opening keynotes began in a packed auditorium... If there is one thing that stood out this conference, it is that openEHR is alive and kicking.

CODE24 also attended, as a silver sponsor. What were our main takeaways of the day? We're happy to share it with you.

A growing awareness

As CODE24, we have been working with openEHR for years. It is the foundation of our EHR and our open platform for healthcare data. Yet in recent years, it still sometimes felt like being 'a voice crying in the wilderness'...


"We have been convinced for years that data availability based on open standards such as openEHR is the only way to really move healthcare forward, but developments so far have not been as rapid as we would like to see.

However, we are currently very clearly gaining momentum. The fact that there were so many people present at a conference on openEHR makes me extremely optimistic about the future. There were people from all kinds of different disciplines, from healthcare and policy as well as suppliers like us, but we all share the same goal. Amazing to see."

Martin van der Meer, Director CODE24


That the event was now not only well attended but even sold out was also a pleasant surprise for the organisation. Our architect Sebastian Iancu is a board member of openEHR NL and was one of the organisers of the conference.


"The openEHR community in the Netherlands is already large and growing noticeably. I am pleased that CODE24 is a front runner in the use of openEHR technology and that we are part of this movement."

Sebastian Iancu, Architect CODE24


Three inspiring tracks

The zoo theme was fully embraced by the organisation. The conference itself was called 'Exploring Data Availability in the Wild: Unleashing openEHR's Potential,' and the three tracks also had fun names:

  • Policy & Impact: "Roaring Success Stories: openEHR in Action.

  • Clinical & Modeling: 'From Zoo to Clinic: A Journey through Real-World Clinical Modeling.'

  • Tech & Innovation: "Pioneering the Wild Frontier: Innovations in openEHR Healthcare Solutions.

From real-life stories from Spain, England, Sweden and of course the Netherlands, among others, to sessions on the connection between zibs, openEHR and FHIR and presentations on SMART on openEHR, FHIR mappings and the EY Connected Health Cloud - the format of these three tracks meant that there really was something for everyone.


“I thought it was cool to see how passionate people can be about improving healthcare IT, especially focusing on data storage in the form of openEHR.”

Gertjan Bult, Project Lead Open Platform CODE24


Together we will get there

In several presentations, in keeping with the name of the conference, the potential of what we can achieve with openEHR took center stage. Where are we going, what do we need to consider? How do we get the most out of it?


“It was great to see so many people showing an interest in openEHR and to hear how much potential there is to take us further. Even so, openEHR is already far beyond theoretical thing - it is already being deployed in practice, even in the Netherlands!”

Alessandro Torrisi, Innovation Manager CODE24

From leveraging datasets for AI in healthcare to the need to define how to work locally, nationally and internationally - it became clear that what openEHR is based on is also what will take us forward: collaboration.

This event was a wonderful example of collaboration in action. Knowledge was freely shared, connections were made... We closed with the launch of Professor David Ingram's new book (Health Care in the Information Age), which is both available to order and free to download - a wonderful example of, as openEHR International CEO Rachel Dunscombe put it, "the power of democratising information and knowledge"!


“I have had lots of great conversations and met a lot of new people. People were actively networking - even when the conference was over many people stuck around to continue talking and exchange ideas!”

Gos Broda, Account Manager CODE24

Why openEHR?

Meet: developer Pinie