16 Nov.

What do our customers think?

At the end of October, we sent our customer satisfaction survey to information managers, application managers and related contacts at our customers. We asked them how they experience our services and our products - we are happy to share the results with you!

Our team

We asked about experiences with the account manager, consultants and service staff. The commitment of our team was rewarded - a whopping 86% rated their experience with our team as "good" or "very good.

People were particularly appreciative of the technicalexpertise of our team. Of course, there are also points for improvement: for example, some of those surveyed would like to have more frequent (structural) contact with us and would sometimes like a little more guidance. Fortunately, as of November 1, our team has been reinforced with no less than 5 new colleagues, giving us the capacity to explore the possibilities for this.

The mConsole EHR and modules

Our product scored particularly well on usability and reliability. The system's customisability score varied widely - which is, in a way, to be expected, given that our customers all use a different setup of mConsole and/or the modules.

Areas of improvement that came up frequently were about the user-friendliness of the user interface and the continued development of Lab24. We will be sitting down with our product team to see which of the feedback points we can realise in the short and long term.

Our report

We also asked our customers to give us grades. Our NPS (Net Promoter Score, or the likelihood that they would recommend us to others) averaged a generous 7. mConsole also received over a 7 and our organisation as a whole received a 7.5.

Distinguishing factors

Of those surveyed, 69% felt that we stood out from other suppliers. The reasons cited were our personal approach and our vision of openness / connectivity. Our customers perceive our relatively small size as an advantage: the lines of communication are short and developments move relatively quickly.

An annual inventory

Now that the customer satisfaction survey has been completed, we are putting the feedback points up for discussion within the relevant departments. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide feedback. Five Bol gift certificates were raffled among the submissions; the winners have already received them in their mailbox.

Thanks to all the helpful input, we see plenty of opportunities to optimise our service and product. Many areas for improvement were already on our radar and steps have already been taken towards improvement. Ultimately, we aim to improve our customer satisfaction survey scores every year - we aim for a 10!

An eye for quality: CODE24 achieves ISO 9001 certification

The potential of openEHR: a report from the conference