21 Mar.

Meet: Office manager Dorine

Who are the people behind our healthcare IT solutions? We would like to introduce our team to you! This time it's the turn of our office manager Dorine.


Name: Dorine Schuijt
Role: office manager
Time at CODE24: 6.5 years
Hob bies: cooking, watching movies, running and hiking - Dorine prefers to be outdoors in her free time.

"I myself always had ICT positions before and find working with ICT people extremely enjoyable - they are mostly fine people with a lot of passion for what they do."

Hey Dorine! What is your job like, at CODE24?

"I have a very versatile job. As office manager I take care of the ins and outs of our office in Alkmaar. I make sure everything is and stays tidy, keep in touch with the building manager and make sure the office is a nice place to work and to visit. When people call or visit us, they usually hear or see me first.

I also support HR work, welcome new employees and help them get started. This includes making sure that we handle the data of applicants and colleagues carefully.

Further important duties I have are bookkeeping and managing the executive calendars. Oh, and I'm also a FAFS officer!"

That Is certainly a lot!

"I really like the versatility. I used to have even more tasks, but since we've grown, some work is assigned to other colleagues and that's good too. For example, I also used to manage the website and our social media channels, but it was one of my many duties. Since Jenny [CODE24's marketing manager] has been there, she's been doing that. And it's paying off! Nice to notice that we're much better seen and found now."

What does an average workday look like for you?

"Every morning I start with a quick tour of all areas of the office. I make sure everything looks presentable - from the workstations to the meeting rooms. Then I hook up with the management team's day start and after that, basically every day looks different. I deal with incoming and outgoing invoices, help colleagues with all kinds of administrative questions, keep an eye on the application streams... There's always plenty to do."

What skills are most important for your role?

"Besides having to be accurate and neat to do the job well, I think empathy and kindness is very important. I also see my job as a bit of a signal function - I keep an eye on what is and is not going well in the office and with my colleagues. I think it's important to have an eye for each other."

What do you like most about your work?

"Like I said: the versatility! I like to be on the move and now when I have been sitting at my computer for a while I can also enjoy doing something physical, like cleaning the coffee maker or seeing what groceries are needed.

I get great satisfaction from helping others anyway, in that respect my current role is right up my alley."

What would you like to achieve?

"Pooh, that's a tough one. Look, it was my desire to make the switch to office management. At CODE24, I got that opportunity and so I've been doing this work for several years now with great pleasure. I do always look at how things can be improved - for example, we have several ideas to make the tooling I use for invoicing even better."

What do you think people should know about CODE24?

"There is a real eye for the person behind the employee. You're not a number here - we've grown quite a bit by now, but we keep that human aspect in sight and I think so far that's working out just fine!"

CODE24's Core Values

Meet: Developer Merel